Alpha Collision helps you report your accident to your insurance company.
talk to your insurance company and get your claim set up correctly. It's second nature to us.
We Work With All Insurance Companies
Were you recently involved in an accident? Was your car struck in a hit and run?
Alpha Is Your Accident Specialist!
Alpha can help you keep the situation under control. At Alpha Collision, we know how to properly report an insurance claim so everything is done correctly. To ensure a seamless experience with your insurance company we will talk to them on your behalf and give them all the information we know you need to provide.
All you have to do is contact us and we will take over and handle everything for you. To make this process go as smooth as possible for you, there are a couple of things we believe you should do.
The Claim Is Reported
Reporting the claim is where it starts and is by far the most important step you can take. Our staff will be happy to help you in all aspects, including making the actual call to report the claim. The sooner you do this the better, hesitating can slow the process and can incur added delays when a claim is made too late. Remember, you may do this once you're entire life, we've been doing this day in and day out since 1966!
Contact Alpha Collision – If you handled reporting the claim yourself, contact us and let us know afterward what’s going on. Our staff has extensive experience and will guide you through this process. We will ask you questions that maybe needed by the insurance company. A heads up, please know that every insurance company has different policies on how to process claims so the questions that you are asked will be based off your individual circumstance. We will provide all necessary documentation to whatever insurance company will be paying for the repair.
Your Rights – Be aware that Insurance companies will try to steer your decision making. It is your right to have your car repaired at the shop of your choice, meaning you can have your car repaired at Alpha Collision as oppose to some shop they'd recommend. Do not let the insurance company attempt to talk you out of this.
79 Herricks Rd. Garden City Park, NY 11040
Email Us Directly
Alpha Collision specializes in automotive body repair. Our biggest priority is returning your vehicle to its pre-accident condition and making it safe for the road. We're located at 79 Herricks rd. in Garden City Park, NY 11040, right where old country road meets Herricks rd. Alpha Collision works with all insurance companies with great relationships to ensure your vehicle gets the best repair.
Alpha Car Care is an automotive repair shop. We repair vehicles, everything from engine work, transmissions, break jobs, NY state inspections, wheel alignments, and much more. We're located right next door to Alpha Collision at 55 Herricks rd, Garden City Park NY 11040.
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